

今天收到Sharktech的推送邮件,商家正式推出云托管服务(Public Cloud Hosting),可以弹性选择配置,可选洛杉矶、丹佛、芝加哥荷兰阿姆斯特丹等机房,邮件中写到联系销售团队可以获得50美元,这个还是需要大家去和客服沟通,搞到可以免费用一个月。

Sharktech (鲨鱼机房)是一家成立于 2003 年的知名美国老牌主机商,又称鲨鱼机房或者SK 机房,一直主打高防系列产品,提供独立服务器租用业务和 VPS 主机,自营机房在美国洛杉矶、丹佛、芝加哥和荷兰阿姆斯特丹,所有产品均提供 DDoS 防护,支持比特币、信用卡、PayPal、支付宝、西联汇款付款方式!



云托管服务(Public Cloud Hosting)购买地址


Small4-16 vCPU8-32GB100-400GB200-800GB10-40GB5-30TB$49.47/mo链接
Medium8-32 vCPU16-64GB200-800GB400-1600GB20-160GB10-60TB$96.45/mo链接
Large32-128 vCPU64-256GB500-2000GB1000-4000GB100-400GB30-120TB$330.25/mo链接
Enterprise64-∞ vCPU128-∞GB2000-∞GB4000-∞GB1000-∞GB40-∞TB$724.40/mo链接


Dear li;

We are very excited to announce our new service offering to our customers! For the past year we have been working diligently on designing, testing and integrating this new solution within our current infrastructure and web portal. We are now finally confident that it possesses the quality required to introduce it to our valued customers.

After a long period of research into public cloud hosting solutions and its pivotal essential role in the internet infrastructure echo system, we decided to partner up with Virtuozzo and their OpenStack based Cloud software solution. Virtuozzo was able to provide us a robust scalable software solution built on the opensource solution of OpenStack, in a friendly intuitive management system. At Sharktech we worked for the past year to design the infrastructure systems to fit our business model and give our customers the most competitive quality offering on the market.

Public Cloud Solution: this offers the ability to create your own virtual data center while paying as you go for the resources you utilize on hourly basis, all built on reliable and redundant hardware where no single failure can bring your presence offline. It allows you to instantly deploy virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, networks, load balancers, routers, security policies, snapshots and much more via an easy to use and understand portal.

While researching the market the main concerns we’ve heard are the extreme over charging of major providers, the complicated billing, cost creeping, and the heavy-handed proprietary solutions offered, making it difficult if not impossible to migrate presence to other cloud provider. Taking all of those into account in the fundamentals of our offering, we designed a service offering that is significantly more cost efficient, easier to understand with flat billing model, tiered storage types, opensource based solution, and a tiered-ceiling approach to allow awareness of potential costs.

Private Cloud Solution: while the public solution may work for many types of deployments, our unique design and approach allows us to design and build private cloud solutions using the same management technology, but on a completely physically dedicated environment built for a single tenant. This solution allows for service scaling albeit requiring manual intervention. This solution also allows for unique hardware requirements, all wrapped up in a flat monthly price.

You can view a basic tutorial of how to order and use the service at: Basic Setup Tutorial

Currently, public cloud hosting service is only available at our Los Angeles facility but we plan on expanding to all our other locations by the end of this year and possibly expand even further.

If you are interested in trying out this service; please visit Cloud Hosting Order Form and reach out to our Sales team for the $50 credit.

Thank you;
Tim Timrawi
President & CEO
Sharktech Inc.

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